snoring prevention tips

Tips & Treatment To Stop Snoring

You force air through your mouth, throat, and nose as you breathe. When you drive air into a narrowed airway, tissues, including the tongue, tonsils, adenoids, and soft palate, vibrate against one another. Several situations and things can prevent airflow.

What Are The Signs of Snoring?

Snoring noises might be deafening, grumbling, snorting or rumbling, or they can be subtle vibrations or whistles. Some people may snore as they sleep without being aware of it. Snorers may experience nighttime tossing and turn, a dry, scratchy throat upon awakening, and fatigue during the day. Along with snoring, some people briefly stop breathing when they pant for air. These are symptoms of sleep apnea, a condition that, if left untreated, can result in significant health issues. Headaches, attention problems, and moodiness can all be brought on by sleep deprivation.

How Can Snoring Be Identified?

Your healthcare professional will inquire about several things, such as how frequently you snore, what it sounds like, how your diet and lifestyle affect your ability to sleep, and other things. Your doctor will check your blood pressure, listen to your heart, and examine your mouth, nose, and throat during an examination.

Your medical professional may request a sleep study to assess your sleeping habits (polysomnogram). A sleep study may be performed at home, or you may need to spend the night in a sleep lab. A sleep test assesses:

  1. Waves in the brain.
  2. Patterns of breathing. 
  3. Your oxygen saturation and heart rate
  4. Tossing and turning when you sleep, as well as arm and leg motions
  5. Cycles of sleep and snoring.

What Are The Tips To Prevent Snoring?

Your physician may recommend particular tips to improve your posture or expand your airways while sleeping. The tips to prevent snoring include the following:

Lifestyle adjustments:

 Avoiding alcohol before bed, switching your sleeping posture, and maintaining a healthy weight can all help you stop snoring.


 Cold and allergy remedies clear nasal congestion and improve breathing.

Nasal strips:

 Small, stretchy bands that adhere to the outside of your nose and keep your nasal passages open.

Oral appliances:

 An oral appliance holds your jaw correctly as you sleep, allowing air to flow. It might be referred to as a mouthguard or gadget by your doctor. Snoring will not stop by a mouth guard worn for other activities, such as sports.

What Surgical Options Are There For Snoring?

Surgery reduces or removes extra tissue, addresses structural issues, and treats snoring and disturbed sleep apnea. Many of these procedures involve minimal intrusion. Snoring surgery consists of the following:

LAUP (laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty):

 LAUP decreases soft palate tissue and enhances airflow.

Radiofrequency ablation: 

It is also known as Somnoplasty®, a procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to reduce extra tissue in the tongue and soft palate.


This operation straightens the nose’s deviated septum. By altering the cartilage and bone, septoplasty enhances the airflow through the nose.

Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy: 

The doctor removes extra tissue from the back of the nose or the back of the throat (adenoidectomy).

Snoring Treatment Puyallup

Snoring is disruptive and intrusive. Speak with your provider if your snoring persists for more than a few nights or is loud. Snoring can result in significant health problems. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being active can help you stop snoring. Inquire with your dentist about treatments that can improve your ability to breathe, sleep, and feel refreshed.